
Please choose your level then click the subscribe button beside it.

Individual Subscription

- Admission to one concert per concert series for the current season. - Reserved seating at concerts - Program recognition - Program notes mailed to you prior to each concert

Symphony Supporter

All of the above plus: - Symphony poster

Sustaining Subscriber

All of the above plus: - Two adult tickets for each performance - Invitation to Symphony reception

Symphony Sponsor

All of the above plus: - Two adult tickets for each performance - Quarter page ad in program

Symphony Benefactor

All of the above plus: - Ten adult tickets to each performance - Framed symphony poster presented at concert - Full page ad in program - Verbal thanks mentioned from stage at beginning of each concert - Corporate logo on symphony web site and linked to your site - Endowed symphony Chair in your name or the name of your company

Symphony Angel

All of the above plus: - We will work with you to determine appropriate recognition based on your personal interests.